The DeepBlue Core travel time engine can be installed in the Virtual Control Center, or locally at the traffic control center. The DeepBlue Core provides real-time travel times through XML or web services, allowing a full integration of the travel time module into an ATMS (Advanced Traffic Management System). The O/D matrices can also be provided either in real-time XML or by manual XLS-export for importing into a planning or simulation tool.

The DeepBlue Core provides a seamless integration of travel times with third party ATMS systems. The data can be forwarded using XML or web services. The roadside sensors can also easily be configured to forward the raw data to third party servers for processing. The sensors can be configured for all standard networks, both through Ethernet and the internal 3G modem, and work with FTP, SSH and TCP Socket.

The DeepBlue Sensor R-model and B-model are plug-in sensors that offer roadside product integration as they fit in your traffic controller or VMS sign. The R-model mounts directly on a DIN-rail, and the B-model can be shelf-mounted, or be fit into a standard 3U-rack. Both models are designed as all-in-one units that can take advantage of an existing communication backbone if there is one present. In the case that there is no communication in place in a cabinet the DeepBlue Sensor offers a 3G-connection that can also serve as connection point for other devices through a TCP tunnel. The sensors can be configured to send the data to a server of choice. The DeepBlue sensor range offers full flexibility. The sensors are provided with or without the centralized system. You have the choice of integrating the journey time data from our centralized solution or gather raw Bluetooth and/or Wi-Fi device data directly from the sensors through TCP/IP or via 3G.

The sensors can be accessed remotely through its firewall-protected secure web server (https).



Integrated with the Indra Smart Mobility system. web


Integrated with the Sice ATMS. web


Integrated with the Isbak travel time map and VMS system. web


Integrated with the Auter traffic management system. web


Integrated with Siemens Sitraffic. web


Integrated with the LABOCOM’s MIVISU. web


Integrated with the ETRA  urban traffic management system. web


Integrated with Drakewell’s C2. web